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Selected Journal Papers   

  1. Loza Bekalo,Sijie Niu, Xiaojun He, Ping Li, P. Okuwobi, C. Yu, W. Fan, S. Yuan, Qiang Chen. Automated 3-D Retinal Layer Segmentation from SD-OCT Images with Neurosensory Retinal Detachment. IEEE Access , 2019, in press.

  2. Rongbin Xu,Sijie Niu*, Qiang Chen, Zexuan Ji,Daniel L. Rubin,Yuehui Chen. Automated geographic atrophy segmentation for SD-OCT images based on two-stage learning model. Computers in Biology and Medicine , Vol. 105, 2019: 102-111.

  3. Zexuan Ji,Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Theodore Leng, Daniel L. Rubin. Beyond Retinal Layers: A Deep Voting Model for Automated Geographic Atrophy Segmentation in SD-OCT Images. Translational Vision Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018: 1.

  4. Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, et al. Automated choroid segmentation of three-dimensional SD-OCT images by incorporating EDI-OCT images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol. 158, 2018: 161-171.

  5. Sijie Niu*, Qiang Chen, Luis de Sisternes, Theodore Leng and Daniel L. Rubin. Automated detection of foveal center in SD-OCT images using the saliency of retinal thickness maps. Medical Physcis , Vol. 44, No. 12, 2017: 6390-6403.

  6. Sijie Niu, Chenchen Yu, Qiang Chen, Songtao Yuan, Jiang Lin, Wen Fan, Qinghuai Liu. Multimodality analysis of Hyperreflective Foci and Hard Exudates in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy. Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017: 1568.

  7. Sijie Niu, Qiang Chen, Luis de Sisternes, Zexuan Ji, Zeming Zhou, Daniel L. Rubin. Robust noise region-based active contour model via local similarity factor for image segmentation. Pattern Recognition, Vol. 61, 2017: 104-119.

  8. Zexuan Ji, Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Theodore Leng, Daniel L. Rubin. Beyond Retinal Layers: A Deep Voting Model for Automated Geographic Atrophy Segmentation in SD-OCT Images. Translational Vision Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018: 1.

  9. Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, et al. Automated choroid segmentation of three-dimensional SD-OCT images by incorporating EDI-OCT images. Computer Methods and Medicine, in press.

  10. Jun Xu,Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu. Correlation between Optic Nerve Head Parameters and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Glaucoma. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2017: 977-983.

  11. Qiang Chen, Jun Xu, Sijie Niu. Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Segmentation of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images Based on Random Forest. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, Vol. 39, No. 5, 2017: 1101-1108.

  12. Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Songtao Yuan, Wen Fan, Qinghuai Liu. High–low reflectivity enhancement based retinal vessel projection for SD-OCT images. Medcial Physcis, Vol. 43, No. 10, 2017: 5464-5474.

  13. Sijie Niu, Luis de Sisternes, Qiang Chen, Daniel L. Rubin, Theodore Leng. Fully automated prediction of geographic atrophy growth using quantitative spectral-domain optical coherence tomography biomarkers. Ophthalmology, Vol. 123, No. 8, 2016: 1737-1750.

  14. Sijie Niu, Luis de Sisternes, Qiang Chen, Theodore Leng, and Daniel L. Rubin. Automated geographic atrophy segmentation for SD-OCT images using region-based C-V model via local similarity factor. Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2016: 581-600.

  15. Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Songtao Yuan, Wen Fan, Qinghuai Liu. Choroidal Vasculature Characteristics Based Choroid Segmentation for Enhanced Depth Imaging Optical Coherence Tomography Images. Medcial Physcis, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2016: 1649-1661.

  16. Sijie Niu, Luis de Sisternes, Qiang Chen, Theodore Leng, and Daniel L. Rubin. Automated Segmentation and Quantification in SD-OCT Images to Predict Future Geographic Atrophy Involvement. Investigative Ophthalmology Visual Science, Vol. 56, No. 7, 2015: 2839.

  17. Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu, Honglie Shen, Theodore Leng, Luis de Sisternes, Daniel L. Rubin. Restricted Summed-Area Projection for Geographic Atrophy Visualization in SD-OCT Images. Translational Vision Science & Technology, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2015: 1-4.

  18. Sijie Niu, Luis de Sisternes, Qiang Chen, Theodore Leng, and Daniel L. Rubin. Automated retinal layers segmentation in SD-OCT images using dual-gradient and spatial correlation smoothness constraint . Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 54, 2014: 116-128.

  19. Qiang Chen, Wen Fan,Sijie Niu, Jiajia Shi, Honglie Shen, and Songtao Yuan. Automated choroid segmentation based on gradual intensity distance in HD-OCT images. Optics Express, Vol. 23, No.7, 2015: 8974-8994.

  20. Qiang Chen, Theodore Leng,Sijie Niu, Jiajia Shi, Luis de Sisternes, and Daniel L. Rubin. A false color fusion strategy for drusen and GA visualization in OCT images. Retina, Vol. 34, No.12, 2014: 2346-58.

  21. Idowu Paul Okuwobi, Qiang Chen,Sijie Niu, Loza Bekalo. Three-dimensional (3D) facial recognition and prediction. Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2016: 1151-1158.

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Selected Conference Papers

  1. Xiaofeng Qu, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu*, shallowCNN-LE: A shallow CNN with Laplacian Embedding for face anti-spoofing. 2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019), 2019, in press.(CCF C)

  2. Weifang Wang, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu*,Yuehui Chen. EDGE-GUIDED SEMI-COUPLED DICTIONARY LEARNING SUPER RESOLUTION FOR RETINA IMAGE. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging(ISBI 2019), 2019, in press.(CCF C)

  3. Yuchun Li, Sijie Niu, Zexuan Ji, Wen Fan, Songtao Yuan, Qiang Chen. Automated Choroidal Neovascularization Detection for Time Series SD-OCT Images. 2018 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI2018), 2018, pages:381-388.

  4. Zexuan Ji, Qiang Chen, Menglin Wu, Sijie Niu, Wen Fan, Songtao Yuan, Quan-Sen Sun. Beyond Retinal Layers: A Large Blob Detection for Subretinal Fluid Segmentation in SD-OCT Images. 2018 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI2018), 2018, pages:372-380.

  5. Rongbin Xu, Sijie Niu* , Kun Gao, Yuehui Chen. Multi-path 3D Convolution Neural Network for Automated Geographic Atrophy Segmentation in SD-OCT Images. 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC), 2018, pages:493-503.

  6. Leilei Geng, Xiushan Nie, Sijie Niu , Yilong Yin, Jun Lin. Structural Compact Core Tensor Dictionary Learning for Multispec-Tral Remote Sensing Image Deblurring. 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018, pages:2865-2869.

  7. Weifang Wang, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu* , Yuehui Chen. Non-local similarity edge-guided based semi-coupled dictionary learning super resolution. 2018 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics(SPAC), 2018, ACCEPTED.

  8. Wei Tian, Yishen Pang, Sijie Niu* , Haochen Yang, Jiwen Dong, Jin Zhou, Yuehui Chen. Automatic identification of vulnerable plaque based on flexible neural tree. 2018 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics(SPAC), 2018, ACCEPTED.

  9. Jiwen Dong, Weifang Wang, Guang Feng, Sijie Niu* . The denoising semi-coupled dictionary learning for retina image super-resolution. 2018 international workshop on Pattern Recognition(IWPR), 2018, ACCEPTED.

  10. Yubo Huang, Zexuan Ji, Qiang Chen, Sijie Niu. Geographic Atrophy Segmentation for SD-OCT Images by MFO Algorithm and Affinity Diffusion. Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering, 2017, pages: 473-484.

  11. Sijie Niu, Qiang Chen, Luis de Sisternes, Daniel L. Rubin. Registration of SD-OCT en-face images with color fundus photographs based on local patch matching. International workshop on Ophthalmic Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2014), 2014, pages: 25-32.

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