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Master students 

袁浩/Hao Yuan


韩颖颖/Yingying Han


陈俊廷/Junting Chen


冯泽明/Zeming Feng


孙悦/Yue Sun


[1] Yue Sun, Sijie Niu*, Jiwen Dong, Yuehui Chen. Automatic Neurosensory Retinal Detachment Segmentation based on improved 3D Chen-Vese Model in Retinal SD-OCT Images. (submit to ISBI 2019)

王丽梅/Limei Wang


邢瑞闻/Ruiwen Xing


Shale Ahammed(from Bangladesh)


高鲲/Kun Gao


[1] Kun Gao , Sijie Niu ∗, Zexuan Ji, Menglin Wu, Qiang Chen, Rongbin Xu, Songtao Yuan , Wen Fan, Yuehui Chen, Jiwen Dong. Double-branched and area-constraint fully convolutional networks for automated serous retinal detachment segmentation in SD-OCT images, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 176(2019):69-80.(SCI, IF=2.6)

Graduated students 

曲啸枫/Xiaofeng Qu


[1] Xiaofeng Qu, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu*, shallowCNN-LE: A shallow CNN with Laplacian Embedding for face anti-spoofing. 2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019), 2019, in press.(CCF C)

[2] Jiwen Dong, Xiaofeng Qu, Hengjian Li. Color tattoo segmentation based on Skin color space and K-mean clustering. IEEE International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems, pp. 53-56, 2017 (EI,导师第一作者)

[3] Xiaofeng Qu, Hengjian Li, Jiwen Dong. Face Anti-spoofing Algorithm Based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, pp. 192-200, 2017 (EI)

[4] 李恒建,曲啸枫,董吉文. 一种身份认证系统中的人脸防欺骗检测方法. 受理发明专利,申请号:CN201710675124.3 (公开实审阶段)

王维芳/Weifang Wang


[1] Jiwen Dong, Weifang Wang, Guang Feng, Sijie Niu*. The Denoising Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning for Retina Image Super-Resolution. 2018 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition(IWPR 2018)

[2] Weifang Wang, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu*, Yuehui Chen. Non-local similarity edge-guided based semi-coupled dictionary learning super resolution. 2018 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics.(SPAC 2018)

[3] Weifang Wang, Jiwen Dong, Sijie Niu*, Yuehui Chen. Edge-guided semi-coupled dictionary learning super resolution for retina image. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.(ISBI 2019)

徐荣彬/Rongbin Xu


[1] Rongbin Xu, Sijie Niu* , Kun Gao, Yuehui Chen. Multi-path 3D Convolution Neural Network for Automated Geographic Atrophy Segmentation in SD-OCT Images. 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computing(ICIC), 2018, pages:493-503.(EI)

[2] Rongbin Xu,Sijie Niu*, Qiang Chen, Zexuan Ji,Daniel L. Rubin,Yuehui Chen. Automated geographic atrophy segmentation for SD-OCT images based on two-stage learning model. Computers in Biology and Medicine , Vol. 105, 2019: 102-111.(SCI,IF=2.168)

Undergraduate students 


Data Structure

Course code:


Undergraduate students of School of Information Science and Engineering , University of Jinan


Sijie Niu


Introduction to Pattern Recognition

Course code:


Undergraduate students of the School of Information Science and Engineering


Sijie Niu


Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning

Course code:


M.S. degree students of the School of Information Science and Engineering


Sijie Niu

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